Equity Certification for Cincinnati Birthing Hospitals

Mama Certified

Equity Certification for Cincinnati Birthing Hospitals

infant care

How is the hospital tending to the needs of baby pre-and post-birth?

maternal care

How is the hospital tending to the needs of mom pre-and post-birth?

staff care

How is the hospital recruiting, training and retaining staff in ways that increase and/or sustain maternal equity? 

community care

How is the hospital building partnerships in the community that increase and/or sustain maternal equity?

What is Mama Certified?

We provide information so Black Moms can make informed decisions about their birthing hospital.

We provide power of choice to Black moms so they can make informed decisions about their birthing experience in Greater Cincinnati.

Because every hospital is different, our goal is to provide a universal way to evaluate hospital maternal equity efforts.

Why Do We Exist?

Black Moms are about 2.5x more likely to die from childbirth and experience infant loss.

On average, Black Moms are 2.5 times more likely to die from childbirth and 2.6 times more likely to experience infant loss in Ohio than any other race, regardless of education and socioeconomic factors. This is because racism has been embedded in our healthcare practices and inadvertently affects how healthcare workers provide care to Black Moms.

This racism is manifested through microaggressions and the inability to really listen to the needs of our Black Moms. The proof is in the data; this is a healthcare crisis that needs to be addressed from a system level.

Why Trust Us?

Because it’s created for and by Black moms who get it.

Accountability and trust are key. This initiative and the process by which we are evaluating hospitals are created by Black women for Black women. Queens Village has overseen this process to provide the best possible outcomes. Together, we are working in partnership with hospitals to hold them accountable for how they care for Black people who give birth.

Mama, giving birth is one of the most special rites of passage in our collective human experience. Access to the best care possible during this time is your human right.

Here’s How it Works


We collect hospital data to assess maternal and infant health equity efforts.

We partner with hospitals to collect their data and assess them on their maternal and infant health-related efforts. This shift in transparency and willingness to share their data allows us to make this information accessible to families. Their commitment is the first step in ensuring moms and babies have the best care possible regardless of their race or ethnicity.


We share what we’ve found.

With transparency at our core, we give visibility into hospitals’ maternal and infant health-related efforts via an easy-to-understand report. We provide you with the facts so that you can choose the best birthing hospital for you.


We collaborate with Mama Certified hospitals to create actionable plans that help them reach their maternal and infant health equity goals. This includes ongoing training, co-creating with Black women on the care they want to receive and annual re-certification of Mama Certified.

We work with hospitals to do better and hold them accountable.

How a Hospital Becomes Mama Certified

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